Work in Your Area - Completed Projects

20" Line Stop, SR 62 and Lemcke Ave.
This project involved inserting a 20" line stop at Lemcke Ave. to abandon the 20" cast iron water main from Tekoppel to Addison. This relocation is in preparation for road improvements planned for this area as part of the Lloyd4U project.
This project was completed in July 2024.
Division Street, Vann to Stockwell Relocation
This project involved the relocation 1500 LF of 16" water main north of SR 66 and relocation of 200 LF of 12" water main south of SR 66 west of Stockwell Avenue in preparation for road improvements planned for this area as part of the Lloyd4U project.
This project was completed in August 2024.
Senate Avenue, Petersburg Road, Feltman Drive, and Campground Road
This project included the installation of approximately 6,700 feet of 4” to 12” water main pipe. Related improvements included valves and fire hydrants throughout the project area.
This project was completed in October 2023.
Foundation Drive Water Main Extension
This project consisted of the extension of the existing water main along Foundation Drive across State Road 57. It included the installation of approximately 130 feet of 12" water main.
This project was completed in December 2023.
Wansford Yard Lift Station Phase 1-BC Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 2,400 feet of new 8” water main pipe, 19 new gate valves, 6 fire hydrant assemblies, 24 water service replacements and related improvements on Sherman Avenue from Negley Avenue to Stanley Avenue and on Kentucky Avenue/Cardinal Drive from Olmstead Avenue to Bedford Avenue.
This project was completed in June 2024.
Peerless Road from Upper Mount Vernon Road to Moye Drive
This project included the installation of approximately 5,000 feet of 12” and 16" diameter water main pipe. The installation occurred along Peerless Road from Moye Drive to Upper Mount Vernon Road, as well as along Upper Mount Vernon Road from Peerless Road to West Wind Drive.
This project was completed in February 2024.
Stanley Avenue, Governor Street to Kerth Avenue
This project included the installation of approximately 5,600 feet of 8” water main pipe and related improvements along Stanley Avenue between Governor Street and Kerth Avenue.
This project was completed in January 2024.
Speaker Road, James Avenue and Nolan Avenue
This project included the installation of approximately 2,900 feet of 8” diameter water main pipe. The installation occurred on Speaker Road between Broadway Avenue and Nolan Avenue, and James Avenue and Nolan Avenue west of Speaker Road.
This project was completed in August 2023.
Mesker Park Phase I Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 2,500 feet of water main pipe, 6 fire hydrants, 10 gate valves and 10 services. The installation was along Mesker Park Drive, south of Diamond Avenue to Wimberg Avenue.
This project was completed in June 2023.
Schutte Road, Broadway Avenue to USI Tank
This project consisted of the installation of approximately 5,300 feet of 4" to 12" water main pipe, 33 gate valves, 12 fire hydrants and 34 water service replacements. The installation occurred on Schutte Road between Broadway Avenue and Clark Lane in western Vanderburgh County.
This project was completed in October 2023.
Gayne Street, West of Van Ness Avenue
This project included the installation of approximately 300 feet of water main pipe along Gayne Street, west of Van Ness Avenue. Related improvements included valves and fire hydrants throughout the project area.
This project was completed in December 2022.
Toyota Trinity Storm Water Park CSS Separation Project
This project included the installation of a new storm water collection system to separate
the storm water from the combined sanitary sewer in downtown Evansville. This work consisted of the construction of approximately 4,400 linear feet of 12” to 36” storm sewers, 29 new storm sewer manholes and inlets, as well as the installation of a 1 million gallon subsurface detention basin at the site of the former Holy Trinity Catholic Church located at the intersection of NW 3rd Street and Vine Street.
The project also included the replacement of existing water mains within the storm sewer collection system project area and consisted of the replacement of approximately 4,500 linear feet of 6” to 20” water mains, 60 valves, 9 fire hydrants, 19 water service relocations and restoration.
This project was completed in May 2024.
Claremont, Bosse, and Craig Avenues
This project included the installation of approximately 8,800 feet of new 8” and 12” water main pipe and related improvements throughout the project area.
This project was completed in January 2023.
Red Bank Road
This project included the installation of over 16,000 feet of new 12” and 16” water main pipe. Related improvements included new valves and fire hydrants along Upper Mount Vernon Road to New Harmony Road, east of Red Bank Road and on Red Bank Road.
This project was completed in April 2023.
Harmony Way and Franklin Heights Neighborhood
This project included the installation of over 9,000 feet of 12" diameter water main pipe. Other improvements included new valves and fire hydrants as well as new service connections throughout the project area.
This project was completed in November 2022.
Evans & Louisiana Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 1,400 feet of water main pipe. The installation occurred on Louisiana Street, East of Evans Avenue and within a dedicated easement, north of Louisiana Street. This project was completed in June 2023.
Tupman Road Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 2,000 feet of water main pipe. Related improvements included valves and fire hydrants throughout the project area. Improvements occurred on Tupman Road, north of Upper Mount Vernon Road, and Mattingly Court, west of Tupman Road. This project was completed in April 2023.
Sonntag Avenue, Golfmoor to Maryland Water Main Replacement
This project consisted of the installation of approximately 1,200 feet of water main pipe along Sonntag Avenue, between Golfmoor Road and Maryland Street. Related improvements included new valves, fire hydrants and water service replacements within the project area. This project was completed in April 2023.
Strueh Hendricks Road, West of Broadway Water Main Extension
This project installed approximately 1,330 feet of new 12” water main along Strueh Hendricks Road in western Vanderburgh County, connecting an existing dead end main to an existing water main on Broadway Avenue. The purpose of the project was to improve water distribution and quality in and around the project area. This project was completed in December 2022.
Kansas Road, Phase 2
This project replaced approximately 3,800 feet of 4” to 12” water main pipe along Kansas Road between Petersburg Road and Cayes Drive and on Petersburg Road near the intersection of Kanas Road as part of the second phase of the road improvements project being performed by the Vanderburgh County Engineer’s Office. Additional improvements included 15 new gate valves, 7 new fire hydrants and service replacements. This project was completed in December 2022.
Schroeder Road Water Main Extension to Volkman Tank
This project included the installation of approximately 5,000 feet of 16” and 12” water main extending west from the Volkman Tank to Schroeder Road and west along Schroeder Road to US 41. Related upgrades throughout the project area included new hydrants and valves. This project was completed in October 2022.
Walnut Road, South of Campbell Water Main Relocation
This project included the relocation of approximately 370 feet of new 8” water main pipe in advance of bridge improvements on Walnut Road in Vanderburgh County. This project was completed in September 2022.
Charlotte Avenue and Russell Avenue Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 2,800 feet of new 8” and 12” water main pipe and related improvements on Charlotte Avenue, Russell Avenue and Bement Avenue area. This project was completed in August 2022.
Hogue Road, Red Bank Road to Williams Road Water Main Improvements
This project included the installation of approximately 8,000 feet of new 4"-12" water main pipe along Hogue Road as well as related improvements throughout the project area. This project was completed in August 2022.
Walnut Street Reconstruction, Phase 2
This project included the installation of approximately 8,800 feet of water main and related upgrades on Walnut Street between Weinbach Avenue and Vann Avenue. This project was completed in June 2023.
Maryland Street, Harmony Way to Wessel Lane Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 2,300 feet of 8” diameter water main pipe and related upgrades along the south side of West Maryland Street. This project was completed in June 2022.
First Avenue Water Main Replacement
This project included 7,900 feet of new 4” to 36” water main pipe and related improvements throughout the project area, which consisted of First Avenue, between Morgan Avenue and Colonial Avenue, and along the railroad tracks west of First Avenue, near Morgan Avenue. This project was completed in May of 2023.
Alta Vista Drive
This project includes the replacement of approximately 100 linear feet of the existing water main on Alta Vista Drive with new 8" C-900 PVC pipe for the Vanderburgh County Highway Department. This project was completed in December of 2021.
Southeast Side Neighborhood, Phase I Water Main Replacements
This project included the installation of approximately 10,000 feet of new 4” and 8” water main pipe, 13 new fire hydrant assemblies and 192 water service replacements throughout the neighborhood between Hawthorne Avenue and Vann Avenue to the West and East, and Covert Avenue and Graham Avenue to the North and South. Work was completed in April of 2022.
North Kerth Avenue, St. George Road to Christ Road
This project included the installation of approximately 1,700 feet of 8" diameter water main pipe and related improvements. Work was completed in September of 2021.
Fendrich Neighborhood Area
This project included the installation of over 6,500 feet of new 8” diameter water main pipe, new valves, fire hydrant assemblies and water services in the neighborhood north of Morgan Avenue between Weinbach Avenue and US 41. Work was completed in October of 2021.
Rosewood Drive, Weaver to Herrmann & Karch Drive
This project included the installation of approximately 2,300 feet of new 8" water main pipe. Related improvements included 16 new gate valves, 7 new fire hydrants and 27 water service replacements throughout the project area. The project was completed in June of 2021.
Grove Street, South of Allens Lane
This project included the installation of approximately 2,700 feet of 8” diameter water main pipe 5 new fire hydrant assemblies and 53 water service replacements on Grove Street, south of Allens Lane in Vanderburgh County. The project was completed in July of 2021.
New Harmony Road, Allens Lane to Harmony Way
This project included the installation of approximately 3,200 feet of 12" diameter water main pipe, 11 fire hydrants, 11 new gate valves and 30 water service replacements. The project was completed in August of 2021.
Kansas Road Reconstruction Phase 1, SR 57 to Baldwin
This project relocated replace approximately 4,700 feet of 4” to 12” water main pipe along Kansas Road between State Road 57 and Baldwin Drive as part of the first phase of the road improvements project being performed by the Vanderburgh County Engineer’s Office. Additional improvements included 25 new gate valves, 7 new fire hydrants and water service replacements. The project was completed in November of 2021.
Columbia Phase I, Fares, Columbia to Morgan
This project included the installation of approximately 9,500 feet of new water main and related upgrades throughout the project area including 22 new fire hydrants, 89 valves and 179 water service connections. The project was completed in May of 2021.
Allens Lane Phase I
This project included the installation of approximately 3,500 feet of new 8" water main pipe along Allens Lane from Mesker Park Drive to New Harmony Road and New Harmony Road south of Allens Lane as well as related improvements throughout the project area. The project was completed in October of 2021.
Bartels Drive South of Evergreen Road Water Main Replacement
This project included the replacement of the existing water main located on Evergreen Road and along Bartels Drive in northern Vanderburgh County. The project included the replacement of approximately 1,250 feet of existing water main pipe with new 8” C900 PVC water main pipe as well as new fire hydrants, valves, and water service connections throughout the project area. The project was completed in June of 2021.
Bellaire, Oak Hill to Weinbach
This project included the installation of approximately 820 feet of water main pipe along Bellaire Avenue between Oak Hill Road and Weinbach Avenue. The project was completed in June of 2021.
Schmitt, Whetstone, and Bexley
This project included the installation of approximately 4,800 feet of new 8” water main pipe and related upgrades throughout the project area. The project was completed in April of 2021.
Sweetser Rotherwood Area
This project included the installation of over 15,000 feet of 8" diameter water main pipe, 26 new fire hydrants and over 400 water service replacements on Evansville's southeast side. The project was completed in December of 2020.
Covert Avenue, US 41 to Weinbach Avenue and Wedge Avenue
This project included the installation of approximately 4,000 feet of 8” diameter water main pipe along the south side of Covert Avenue and Wedge Avenue. Construction completed on the water main relocation in November of 2020.
Covert Avenue, Hawthorne Avenue to Vann Avenue
This project included the relocation of 120 linear feet of 6" diameter Ductile Iron and 8" diameter C-900 PVC water main as well as related upgrades throughout the project area including new hydrants, valves and grading and restoration of all adjoining driveways, alleys, private walkouts, and lawns. The construction area consisted of Covert Avenue at the intersections of Hawthorne Avenue and McConnell Avenue. This work was completed in October of 2020.
Broadway Avenue Phase 1
This project included the installation of over 11,000 feet of 6"- 12" diameter Ductile Iron and C-900 PVC water main pipe along Broadway Avenue from Schutte Road to Red Bank Road, as well as along Frey Road from Broadway Avenue to the end of the public roadway. Related improvements included new valves and 26 fire hydrants throughout the corridor. This project was completed in June of 2020.
Dexter Avenue and Jackson Avenue
This project included 1,000 LF of new 6" and 8" diameter water main as well as related upgrades throughout the project area including new hydrants and valves. The construction area consisted of Jackson Avenue from South Villa Drive to South Dexter Drive and South Dexter Drive from Jackson Avenue to Taylor Avenue. This project was completed in October of 2020.
Eichel Avenue
This project included approximately 1,100 feet of 12" ductile iron and C-900 PVC water main pipe and related improvements, including new fittings, valves, connections to existing water mains, service connection extensions and surface restoration, along Eichel Avenue from North Fares Avenue to US 41 and North Fares Avenue from Eichel Avenue to E Morgan Avenue. Construction completed in September of 2020.
President's Neighborhood
This project involved the installation of approximately 21,000 feet of new 4”-8” PVC C900 and ductile iron water main pipe in the Presidents Neighborhood. Work included the installation of water main valves, 30 hydrant assemblies, 630 service taps and service lines, and connections to existing water mains. All phases of the project were completed in May of 2020.
Washington Avenue and SE Second Street
This project involved the installation of approximately 1,950 feet of new 8”-16” PVC C900 and ductile iron water main pipe in the Haynies Corner Arts District. Work included the installation of water main valves, hydrant assemblies, 30 service taps and service lines, and connections to existing water mains. Work areas included new installations on Washington Avenue from SE Eighth Street to SE Second Street. Areas also included SE Second between Blackford Avenue and Adams Avenue, Adam Avenue between SE First Street and Parrett Street, and on Parrett Street from Washington Avenue to SE Third Street. Work was completed in November 2019.
Lodge Avenue from Walnut Street to Riverside Drive
This project involved the installation of approximately 13,000 feet of new 4”-12” PVC C900 and ductile iron water main pipe along Lodge Avenue from Riverside Drive to Lincoln Avenue, Lincoln Avenue from Lodge Avenue to Willow Road, Willow Road from Lincoln Avenue to Walnut Street, and along Bellemeade Avenue from Lodge Avenue to Bennighof Avenue. Work included the installation of water main valves, hydrant assemblies, service taps, service lines, meter pits, approximately 30 connections to existing water mains and retiring of existing water main facilities. This project was completed in June of 2019.
St. George Road and Melody Hill Water Main Installation
This project involved various water main improvements and upgrades in the Melody Hill area. Additional upgrades were planned for the existing water main along St. George Road between Twickingham Drive and Oak Hill Road. The approximate completed installation resulted in over 14,000 feet of new 8" water main pipe. This project was completed in June of 2019.
Vanderburgh Neighborhood Water Line Replacement, Phase I & II
The project involved the construction of approximately 8,600 linear feet of new 4", 6", and 8" C-900 PVC water main including new fire hydrants, valves and residential service connections in the Vanderburgh Neighborhood. This project was completed in April of 2019.
West Mill Road and Mohr Road Water Main Replacement
The project involved the construction of approximately 3,500 feet of 12" water main. Project areas included Mill Road between Kratzville Road and St. Joseph Avenue and Mohr Road between St. Joseph Avenue and Kratzville Road. Additional work involved water service modifications to customers on Westchester Drive, St. Joseph Avenue between Mill and Mohr as well as customers within the Westbrook Mobile Home Park and Mill Creek Estates. This project was completed in March of 2019.
Green River Road Phases VI and VII Water Relocation
This project included the replacement of approximately 10,000 feet of 12” and 8” PVC C-900 pipe and ductile iron water main pipe, 136 feet of trenchless 24” steel casing installation with carrier, 30 gate valves, 22 fire hydrant assemblies with valves, 1 air relief assembly, and 45 water service relocations. Work will also include traffic control, granular backfill and pavement restoration. The project area included North Green River Road between Rathbone Drive and State Road 57 in Daylight, Indiana, as well as cross streets within this corridor.
This project was completed in February of 2019.
Mount Auburn Road Water Main Replacement
The project involved the replacement of approximately 2,500 feet of 4” and 6” water mains with 4”, 6” and 8” C900 PVC mains. New water service connections, gate valves and fire hydrants were also installed on this project. Work areas included Mt. Auburn Road between Bismark Avenue and Optimist Drive.
This project was completed in December of 2018.
Chestnut Street from Second Street to Fourth Street
Water main upgrades for this project included the installation of 600 feet 12" water main pipe and related improvements on Chestnut Street. This project was completed in the Fall of 2018.
Heidelbach Avenue from Morgan to Olmstead
This project involved the installation of approximately 5,400 feet of 12" water main pipe and related improvements. Upgrades were installed on Heidelbach Avenue between Morgan Avenue and Richardt Avenue and between Negley Avenue and Olmstead Avenue. The new water main continued on Olmstead Avenue to Stringtown Road. Construction was completed in August of 2018.
Keck Avenue, Grand to Stringtown Water Main Replacement
This project included the installation of approximately 2,370 feet of 8"- 12” PVC C-900 pipe, gate valves, fire hydrant assemblies w/ valves and approximately seventy (70) water service relocations. The project area was located on Keck Avenue, between Stringtown Road and Grand Avenue. Work also included asphalt pavement patching, sidewalk patching, ADA ramp improvements, and related lawn restoration. Work was completed in April of 2018.
Western Terrace Subdivision Water Main Replacement Project, Phase II
This project involved the second phase of water main upgrades and included approximately 6,000 feet of 8" water main pipe and affects multiple streets within the Western Terrace Subdivision located off Upper Mount Vernon Road on Evansville's west side. Construction was completed in June of 2018.
Weinbach Water Main Replacement, Pollack Avenue to Lloyd Expressway
This project required the installation of approximately 13,700 feet of new 4”-12” PVC and ductile iron water main pipe, generally along Weinbach Avenue from Division Street (Lloyd Expressway) to Kathleen Avenue (0.10 miles south of Pollack Avenue). The improvements included the installation of water main pipe and valves, fire hydrant assemblies, service taps, service lines, meter pits, over 50 connections to existing water mains, retiring of water main facilities, storm and sanitary pipe removal and replacement, final grading and seeding, temporary erosion and sediment control as well as related pavement patching. Work was completed in August of 2018.
Lant Circle and Bayard Park Water Main Replacement
This project replaced approximately 3,800 feet of 4"-8" PVC and ductile iron pipe. The improvements were generally located along Lant Circle from Lodge Avenue to Bayard Park Drive, then east along Bayard Park Drive to Weinbach Avenue. Rotherwood Avenue from Bayard Park Drive to Lincoln Avenue also received water main upgrades. The overall project included the installation of new valves, fire hydrants and multiple new water service connections. The work was completed in May of 2018.
Hi Rail Pedestrian Trail Water Installation Project
The Hi Rail Pedestrian Trail Water Installation Project was generally located along a Right of Way corridor immediately west of US Highway 41, between Ravenswood Drive and Gum Street and intended to provide connections for water mains that currently terminate at the ends of the streets adjacent to US Highway 41. The project was comprised of approximately 1,950 feet of 16" diameter water main and 700 feet of 8" diameter water main. The project was completed in April 2018.
Stringtown Road, Louisiana Street to Morgan Avenue
The Stringtown Road Water Line Relocation Project replaced approximately 1,500 feet of 16" water main using open cut techniques. This relocation project allowed the existing water main on Stringtown Road to be removed from service. The work included water main relocation, water service reconnections, fire hydrant installations, related appurtenances and site restoration. Work on the project began in April 2017, and was completed on September 1, 2017.
Olive Street Water Main Replacement Project
The Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Board awarded the Olive, Sycamore and John Street Water Main Completion Project to Deig Brothers Lumber and Construction Company, Inc. on February 19, 2019. The project was completed in 2021.